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Kyma update (10 July 2016) and OSC issues resolved

0 votes

Couple of strange OSC issues:

-After updating today I found out that KymaConnect is communicating to Kyma via IP ??

-My Kyma Proxy has disappeared from and if I connect straight to Kyma's own IP the KymaControl is flickering as it was resetting the UI all the time?   


Yours Anssi
asked Jul 11, 2016 in Using Kyma by anssi-laiho (Adept) (1,150 points)
retagged Jul 12, 2016 by ssc
Thanks for the report.  We've been transitioning to IPv6 addressing ( which could affect network communications.  We are trying to track down which version introduced the problem.  More news soon.

1 Answer

+1 vote
Best answer

This has been fixed. To get the new firmware, please choose Check for Software Updates from the Help menu in Kyma. After the files have downloaded, quit Kyma, then start Kyma again and allow Kyma to update the firmware of the Paca(rana).

answered Jul 12, 2016 by ssc (Savant) (129,200 points)
selected Jul 12, 2016 by ssc
Thanks for the quick reply. All works now as expected.