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Can I stochastic-dice roll algorithmically?

0 votes
Hi SSC. I love the new stochastic weighted dice roll in the VCS. Thanks for this feature!

Of course, now I would like to trigger a 10% variation from within a sound using a RandomPresetChange and a gate generator.... but I think this is not possible yet? Or am I mistaken... ?
asked Jul 16, 2016 in Capytalk & Smalltalk by cristian-vogel (Master) (8,570 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
To get a uniform random (up to a maximum of 10% of the current value) change from current values in the VCS, you can hold down the Shift key while clicking the Dice button (or use Shift+R).

To generate the same result algorithmically within a Sound parameter field, you could use the randomWalk expression in Capytalk (use Ctrl+H to open the Capytalk reference and search for "randomWalk").  You could then use the Capytalk expression in the InterpolatePreset, for example, to randomly change the preset.

To generate the timing of the random gates, search in the Capytalk Reference for "brownian" to find the brownian noise trigger expressions.
answered Jul 16, 2016 by ssc (Savant) (129,200 points)
Yes, thats a great solution and leads to many interesting places.....

Whats neat about the Shift key and Dice button click, is that it doesn't block out the VCS controls like the InterpolatPreset does, so you can seek interesting settings by tweaking, then just move slightly around from with the shift click dice. I just wanted to be able to send that with an expression, so I didn't have to keep clicking it.
I'm clicking the dice a lot too these days. The ability to use a controller to click the dice, as well as the ability to set the amount of randomization could immediately open up vistas of cohesive sonic variation and baseline complexity. In place of an onboard solution, perhaps some third-party productivity software might be programmed to periodically click an assigned area of the screen, while recording the resulting audio. Not nearly as useful as an onboard feature, but possibly useful to some extent. I ran into an OS X application that can do this awhile back, but I seem to have forgotten the name.. I know it exists at