How to get Replicator to actually create polyphony in this situation?

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I want to have two oscillators playing in octaves -- both using the same programming for generating random triggers and selecting pitches from a collection. Also want to use MIDI input to start and stop the whole process, with velocity controlling the volume. I've got all that working ... so far so good. (See attachment.) But next, I want the upper octave sine wave to have a longer envelope so that the notes overlap ... thus the need for polyphony ... and the need for the Replicator prototype. But I can't seem to get it to work, which is not all that surprising, since I find the Replicator Creates Polyphony process a bit confusing.

asked Jul 16, 2016 in Capytalk & Smalltalk by mark-phillips (Adept) (1,280 points)
Mark, did you try using a MIDIVoice with Polyphony set to 2 (or more)?
I don't think itt work in this instance. I think I understand MIDIVoice well enough to know its limitations for this purpose.  ;-)  Mainly because I need polyphonic output even when only key is depressed. In fact, typically, only one key will be depressed at a time.

1 Answer

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Hi Mark, here's a StepSequencer with polyphony 16 to recreate your random sequence but with polyphony.  It uses an ADSR in place of the FunctionGenerator on ExponRev since instantaneously jumping to the maximum value will cause a discontinuity that you would hear as a click.  

This is just for the one leg of your signal flow diagram that was going through the Replicator.  Hope it's a helpful starting point.

answered Jul 18, 2016 by ssc (Savant) (129,200 points)
I assumed there was a way to do this using a StepSequencer, but I was interested in getting more experience with and understanding of the Replicator. So ... should I infer from your revision of the sound that it's not possible (or at least not appropriate) to use the Replicator for this sort of purpose. [Yeah ... the ExponRev was just a temporary stand-in ... so that it would be easier to distinguish it from the other parallel voice.]
Also ... (now that I have had time to work with it) the suggested revision of the sound gives me a warning message (though it still runs). Also it's not at all apparent how to get this to sound to share the same sequence of pitches as the second oscillator.