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Problems with T.C: Electronic Konnekt24D !

0 votes
I'm a owner of T.C. Electronic Konnekt 24D, when attached to the kyma 7 ( pacarana ) the system don't recognize the audio interface, also if i do a Control Rescan. Only after some random dispatches Kyma recognize the unit.

Please help me,

Thank you,

Hope in an answer,

asked Jul 17, 2016 in Hardware & Interfaces by giacomo-tropea (210 points)

1 Answer

0 votes

In Audio MIDI Setup, is your Mac using the TC for any output audio (like the alert sounds)?

Are you using the external power supply (not bus power) with the TC?

Please double-check that you have gone through each of these steps (more details here

  1. Install the driver and control panel
  2. Update the TC firmware
  3. Configure TC inputs/outputs
  4. Remove the TC driver and control panel
answered Jul 18, 2016 by ssc (Savant) (129,140 points)
Thank you, i've tryed everything, i think is the audio interface that is not working properly.