WriteStream of events

+1 vote

Hey all,

I'm looking to write millisecond time values to a log file when events happen in a Sound. Searches in both manual and Sound Browser turn up .pci Tools for "writeStream" and my quick attempts threw some errors (Sound attached below). I'm collaborating with a visual artist and I won't be able to send OSC messages on playback – hence looking at saving millisecond time values in a logfile to use as our "timecode" sync.

Anyone write to log files in Sounds and not Tools? Any suggestions?
Attachment: http://kyma.symbolicsound.com/qa/?qa=blob&qa_blobid=13572293121890440180

asked Sep 19, 2016 in Capytalk & Smalltalk by jonbellona (Adept) (1,360 points)
Jon, could you record the changing EventValues in AIFF files?  Do they have to be text?
Never thought about this. How would this work?  Do the values occur as 1 to -1 in an audio stream?

I was able to write a Kyma Tool to write randomNumbers to a logFile at BPM rate, although this is all the tool does. I would still need to hook it up to my Sound (to coincide with the recorded Sound)

Since my Kyma Tool was very basic and didn't get me to a synchronized solution, I was able to send !LocalTime and my random !Pan as OSC messages to Processing and use Processing to write my !Pan value attached with !LocalTime as a text file (CSV formatted).  I'm thinking I could record my audio in Kyma and simultaneously write the event specific text file using Processing, so I have my log file and audio (sync using two files).  I think this is a current working solution, but I am super curious about the process of writing EventValues to an AIFF. The AIFF solution would be more in sync. Anything I can search or is there a tutorial/article on this? Thanks!
Just thinking about this, is there a way to incorporate a Tool within a Sound? For example, could the Tool I just wrote be controlled by a pre-existing Sound, especially if EventValues are global?

No need to look, but I want to include my work as reference to be thorough. http://jpbellona.com/downloads/kymaforum/kymaWriteToFile.zip

I'm still wicked curious about writing to an AIFF file.
Could you use the module called CapytalkToSound and feed it to a RecordToDisk?  Yes, in answer to your question, the values have to be in the range (-1,1) but it would be easy to divide the EventValues by the maximum and multiply them back up when you read them from the file.
My work pace has slowed with the baby, but thank you for being so quick to respond! I'm just writing to say thank you. I'm trying this out now, and it's amazing. I didn't know about CapytalkToSound, and this is exactly what I'm looking for. I've setup my random process to record on channel 3 (SelectableAudioOutput) along side recording my audio in channels 1/2.  Reading the two audio files simultaneously (one for audio, one for control) will definitely work. Feels like film, with the audio track running along side the film, except this time, there's a control track running parallel to the audio track. Thank you SSC!

ps. Can I blog about this?
Please Blog! And then link us to the blog, I want to know more!!!!
Sure, we would welcome a new installment in your Insights series!
Charlie, here's what came of my query.

At the end of the article, I link to shared files:


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