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How can I transfer presets from one sound to another sound?

+4 votes

My Sound uses an SampleCloud & Annotation. I realized that for this I don´t need really the Annotation which actually stores all my presets via the VCS. These preset are not stored when playing the SampleCloud only.

So, how can I transfer presets from one sound to another sound?

Hopefully this was understandable and many thanks in advance.

Regards Martin
asked Oct 3, 2016 in Using Kyma by martin-stehl (Practitioner) (330 points)

1 Answer

+4 votes
If you drag and drop a Sound onto a Virtual Control Surface (VCS), the layouts and presets of the dragged Sound will be transferred to the Sound associated with that VCS.

So if you play the SampleCloud; then drag and drop the Annotation onto the VCS of the SampleCloud, it should ask you whether you'd like to subsitute the Annotation's layout and presets for those of the SampleCloud (if there are any).
answered Oct 3, 2016 by ssc (Savant) (129,200 points)
That´s great!
Many thanks for this quick help!
Greetings Martin