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"replace" option is no more?

0 votes
607 views asked Mar 12, 2015 in General by samuel-sacher (Practitioner) (590 points)
edited Mar 13, 2015 by samuel-sacher
Which "replace" option are you referring to?
In the parameter fields that take text?
in Edit falling menu, there was the option, Replace, so one can replace one string with another, in longer script, or e.g. in SynthSpecFA !Frequency with !FreqLow.

So, yes, "In the parameter fields that take text"

I don't see Replace any more, is it somewhere else?

Thank you

1 Answer

+1 vote

In Kyma 7, we merged Replace into the Find operation. You can Use Find from the Edit menu or Control+F to initiate a find or replace.

answered Mar 13, 2015 by ssc (Savant) (128,780 points)
Thank you! ...........