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How can I force samples to stay in RAM in a timeline?

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I'm working on a composition where I use 5 audio files of 7 mins as sources and I want to put various processes on top. When I play them back from Disk it seems to slow down the entire thing so when I move my pen on the wacom it will be delayed. When I play them back from RAM it works fine, however every time I change something on my processes it takes forever to load. It seems that Kyma sends the files to RAM again although I didn't change anything on the playback tracks. Is there a way to force the samples to stay in RAM so I only need to send them once when I start the timeline for the first time?

asked Oct 17, 2016 in Using Kyma by kymaguy (Virtuoso) (10,580 points)
Are you playing other Sounds in between plays of the Timeline?  (including opening a Sound in the Timeline and playing it in the Sound editor)?
no.. I opened one processing Sound and closed it without playing, then played the timeline again. Each Sample has its own track and I'm using Submixes to send it to various processing Sounds

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