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Access to Wiimote Down Up Left and Right?

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I know that there's Kyma OSC faders for WiiTrigger, WiiButtonA, as well as Pitch, Roll, Yaw, Accel and many more (both from looking at the VCS and OSCulator).

I didn't see routing for Down, Up, Left, Right, Home, Plus, Minus, 1 and 2.  Anyone know if there are controls available or should I default to using the standard !OSC_wii_1_button_down, etc. for Wiimote messages coming from OSCulator?  I've tested and it works.
asked Nov 9, 2016 in Controllers, OSC & MIDI by jonbellona (Adept) (1,360 points)

1 Answer

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Best answer
Hi Jon,

Best to use the OSC messages for those extra buttons.  We chose to build in only a subset of the Wiimote controllers since it uses up event ID space.  Since the OSC messages are working for you... go for it

answered Nov 10, 2016 by ssc (Savant) (129,200 points)
selected Nov 10, 2016 by jonbellona