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Basic OSC configuration.

+1 vote
I would like to control the Kyma VCS from Max7. I am already doing it with MIDI CC. I would like to change to OSC! I have never used OSC for anything sensible before.

What should I read? Does anyone have any suggestions to get me started?
asked Nov 16, 2016 in Controllers, OSC & MIDI by charlienorton (Adept) (2,660 points)
Hi Charlie.
I designed some tools for working with OSC in this way.... and if you want to read something, I wrote a 5000 word manual!

You can read the book for free of course....

1 Answer

+3 votes

Just to get started, in order to learn or map to an OSC message in the VCS, in the Virtual Control Surface (VCS):

  • Ctrl+click the widget
  • Choose Learn
  • Send OSC message from Max

To map to any OSC message received in the past, in the VCS

  • Ctrl+click the widget
  • Choose Controller / OSC menu
  • Select the desired OSC message

Instead of re-mapping each individual Kyma widget or parameter with an OSC message one-by-one, you can, alternatively, program your OSC device or software to send specific messages to control Kyma using the Message address format:


Where name is the name of the hot value, and channel is the MIDI channel of the controller. Even though you are sending OSC (and not MIDI), the channel identifiers are retained as a convenient way to organize controllers (for example, by default each track of the Timeline is associated with its own controller channel).

If your Sound had EventValues !Vol, !Amp, !Density, for example, you could program your device to send the OSC messages:




This automatically maps to Kyma hot values !Vol, !Amp, and !Density

(Note that you can still, optionally, remap individual VCS widgets to different control sources)

answered Nov 16, 2016 by ssc (Savant) (129,200 points)
Ahh neat. Thanks so much!