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motu traveler mk3 connection issues

+1 vote
hi ssc,

  i have a traveler mk3 for use with my pacarana/k7. things worked fine for quite a while, but suddenly (i've been away for a while, but this began after updating to k7) the pacarana will no longer connect to the interface. the pacarana sees it and will allow it to be selected in the DSP window's audio input/audio output selector, but lasts only a couple seconds before it automatically changes back to the silent device. at no point will it pass any audio from kyma.

  i have tried every permutation of connection order, cable, port and sample rate.. all with the same behavior.

  pacarana continues to work fine with my usbpre2 and the traveler mk3 functions flawlesssly when used as a standalone interface for my desktop/laptop.

  running osx yosemite 10.10.1, latest firmware and drivers for all devices.

  any ideas?


- dc
asked Mar 15, 2015 in Hardware & Interfaces by dustin-camilleri (190 points)

1 Answer

+1 vote
Best answer

This sounds like the Mac has the Traveler selected as its audio input and/or output devices.

Check Audio MIDI Setup to make sure that the Traveler is not selected as the audio input or output device, even for system alerts.

answered Mar 15, 2015 by ssc (Savant) (129,200 points)
selected Mar 16, 2015 by dustin-camilleri
i've made sure that the traveler is not selected in AMS.

no change in behavior.
Could you please try a factory reset on the Traveler?
yes, that did the trick! thanks, ssc :)