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Is there an optimum speaker arrangement for Spherical Panner QUAD?

0 votes

I'm being given an amazing opportunity to perform live (using Kyma of course) at the Berghain in Berlin, and wondered if there is an optimised speaker arrangement for using the spherical panner in Quad mode, that I could send to the technicians there?
asked Nov 25, 2016 in Sound Design by cristian-vogel (Master) (8,570 points)
You can use the Quad test Sound from SSC to point your speakers. You can find this test in the SSC library Spatializing & panning--,kym
I will use this one at the sound check December 3rd at Sonikas 2016 Madrid. Also a quadraphonic concert.
And have fun!

1 Answer

0 votes
If you Edit Preferences and check Speaker placement, you can select Quad and read the angles from there.  For elevation, you could estimate where most people's ears would be (assuming standing rather than seated) and place the speakers at ear level.
answered Nov 25, 2016 by ssc (Savant) (129,200 points)