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writing preset names as markers onto recording?

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When recording sounds to disk, I've created a super simple marker system consisting of adding an additional mono track of an impulse sample that is triggered each time the preset changes, or when I want to mark a section for easy finding later. Has anyone found an interesting solution for recording preset names/changes directly onto the file as named markers? Curious to hear other clever file management strategies in this vein. Trying to cut down the time after super long jams of concise post-recording editing.  thnx!
asked Nov 29, 2016 in Using Kyma by jake-harper (250 points)
Don't know of an easy way to do this right now but we'll add it to the wish list!
Printing sample accurate embedded markers from DiskRecorder on the fly would be radical!

The DiskRecorder start and stop trigger is in fact sample accurate (unlike the MemoryWriter <-- wishlist! )

You could write to one file using a one sample wide trigger, and write that trigger to the file too, so you can see the spikes and use those as 'markers'
I'm moved by your sample accurate dreams.  My impulse sample (FMPercussive02 from NE Signal Symbol Lab) is eons long by comparison.  That's a good idea

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