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Help! Making an eq with filters

0 votes
Trying to route one sound source into multiple filters for an EQ.  When I put the first filter before the plus sign. It chains the sound sorce to the filter to the mixer. When I add the second one and put it on the + . I add to the mixer but, it creates another source to the filter. Any Help would be awesome. Thanks
asked Dec 5, 2016 in Using Kyma by david-miller (130 points)
Did you try double-clicking the filter, then dragging your original source into the Input field of the second filter?

1 Answer

+1 vote

Hi David,

First I grabbed a BandPassFilter from the prototype Menue.

Then a Mixer from the prototypes.

Replaced the SampleCloud before the mixer with the BandPassFilter prototype (by copy/paste).

When clicking the Mixer, you see under description the fist BandPassFilter as input.

Take the prototype BandPassFilter and place this next to the first one in the Mixer input.

Now you have 2 BPF's. Continue to your needs.

After doing this 3 times I copied the Noise(White) input and pasted this one on the other Noise(White) inputs. Making them to dissapear till one Noise(White) has left as input for the 3 BPF's. After this I added "_A", "_B" and "_C" to the VCS targets.

answered Dec 12, 2016 by roland-kuit (Master) (3,350 points)
edited Dec 12, 2016 by roland-kuit
For a parallel filter configuration