OSCulator setup for Wacom<-->Kyma<-->drawing software

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Related to an earlier question, but with a new twist: I am trying to set up OSCulator so that data happily flows between/among Wacom (IntuosPro) & Kyma  plus separate drawing program. Everything I try makes the situation worse. Help!  If anyone has a successful experience with a similar scenario (i.e., Using Wacom to send X,Y, Z data to both Kyma and a separate program running on the same laptop) please respond here and/or via my email (beletmusic@sbcglobal.net). Thanks.  --  Brian B.
asked Jan 5, 2017 in Controllers, OSC & MIDI by bbelet (Practitioner) (490 points)
Hi Brian, have you asked Camille Troillard (author of OSCulator) for his advice on how to do this?

1 Answer

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  I've had the Wacom working with Kyma and another software, but my working solution requires Kyma and Max/MSP open simultaneously. In Max/MSP, the s2m.wacom OR s2m.wacomtouch (for finger control) object does a nice job of harnessing the Wacom for use with OSC messages. I recently performed a piece by Wang Chi where she does this specifically. She used s2m.wacomtouch in Max (sending OSC messages to Kyma), and she still had use of Kyma native pen controls, like !PenX !PenYTilt etc. I'm happy to correspond off forum. jon@jpbellona.com
answered Jan 5, 2017 by jonbellona (Adept) (1,360 points)