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VCS Panning Controls on a Timeline... (Multiple Tracks Live)

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Dearest Kyma Community.

I am setting up some quad pieces. I have a timeline of stereo sources. (It is playing back 500mb+ from RAM nice and smoothly)

I turned on the extra outputs in the prefs, and my first sound on the timeline can now be panned around the speakers with a Panner control. This is fun. (Having repatriated an amp and rear speakers from else where just for the ocassion)

Despite having set all the Panner paramters to 'Live' I don't see how to access the individual pan controls all in real time.  

I have also tried Live Control > All Controls

Any pointers?


asked Jan 16, 2017 in Using Kyma by charlienorton (Adept) (2,660 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
The answer is simple, make sure you do it for each sound!! Yeaaa!!
answered Jan 16, 2017 by charlienorton (Adept) (2,660 points)