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Can a Tool be made to be used only as an environment to host reusable data in a central place?

+1 vote
In the naive version, there would be a single state and no triggered responses.  
Would this be as straightforward as defining variables in the initial state, then referencing them within various modules in Kyma sounds, so that upon compilation (or runtime) the data defined in the Tool may be accessed?

For a more elaborate version, if a data set defined within a Tool state can be accessed during runtime, I could see defining multiple states, one for each desired automorphism of the data set. This way perhaps, a single variable accessing the data set might be continuously referenced as an EventValue from a running Kyma sound, while triggers sent to the Tool change its state in real time, to transform the data set according to some group operation.

Relating to the above, is a variable defined within a Tool state (or global state) accessed from a Kyma sound during compilation time, runtime, both, or either (depending on how or where it's defined)?
asked Feb 8, 2017 in Using Kyma by thom-jordan (Practitioner) (800 points)
edited Feb 8, 2017 by thom-jordan

1 Answer

0 votes

Relating to the above, is a variable defined within a Tool state (or global state) accessed from a Kyma sound during compilation time, runtime, both, or either (depending on how or where it's defined)?

Tools run on the host computer and can set EventValues in Sounds that are running on the Paca(rana).  A Tool can change the values of EventValues in a Kyma Sound during runtime, both while the Tool (state machine) is running and while the Sound is running on the Paca(rana).

answered Feb 8, 2017 by ssc (Savant) (129,200 points)
Ahhh... thanks for the clarification !