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Multigrid vcs laptop and ipad

0 votes
In a multigrid, is there a way of diplaying one track on the main (laptop) display, and another track on an ipad w/ Kyma control?
asked Feb 21, 2017 in Using Kyma by jpj2k (170 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
Since the main VCS is displayed on the iPad, one way to do this would be by displaying the other track on the Secondary VCS as follows:

1. Play the MultiGrid

2. File menu> select Secondary VCS

3. Right+Click (or Ctrl+Click) in Secondary VCS

4. Select the layout of the Track whose controls you want to see on the laptop

Now the one Track layout appears on the laptop in the Secondary VCS.  And all other layouts appear on the iPad  which shows the Primary VCS.

At the moment, this allocation of layouts to primary or secondary VCS is not remembered when you close the MultiGrid (so for now, it will have to be reassigned the next time you open the grid).  Looking into whether that info could be saved with the Multigrid...
answered Feb 21, 2017 by ssc (Savant) (129,200 points)