Hi there,
I'm stuck here.. I want to transfer spectral control data using a MemoryWriter/Sample pair in the multigrid using the FrameSync. I've attached a little test setup I've made. The problem is I can't get my control signals to be in sync no matter if I trigger the recording and/or playback or not (use the Active toggles to turn on/off triggering).
I want to end up with the possibility to switch between different control signals using a single MemoryWriter/Sample connection without the need to trigger recording & playback. I can't use submixes because I'm already using them to receive the spectral data (output of SpectralAnalysis) which I want to process. Kyma tells me that I'm writing the WaveTable more than once which is basically not true because I'm only writing it for the Sound I've selected, but maybe that's the problem?