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Send VCS preset changes to 6 different sounds?

0 votes

I would like to use 6 of these sounds simultaneously on the Timeline with the On and Off and presets having exclusive MIDI control. Or possibly just the On and Off.

When MIDI is sent from Max the Drone envelopes are turned On and then Off. There will be 6 of these on the Timeline, each controlled by a separate person. How do I get the presets to change randomly each time the sound is turned on?

I can do this with one sound by sending a VCS ProgramChange, but I would like the presets to change exclusively with each On and Off. That would mean 6 different ProgramChange channels OR that each time the On goes on within the sound a new VCS Preset would be called up.

Or is there a more effecient way to do this? 




asked Apr 15, 2017 in Using Kyma by anne-la-berge (Adept) (2,170 points)

1 Answer

+1 vote
Best answer
Hi Anne,

If you put each Drone into an InterpolatePresets Sound, then each person could control the preset selection of their particular drone.  The selection is a [0,1] control so to ensure that you land directly on a preset you would count how many presets there are and then use: !PresetNumber - 1 / <the number of presets - 1>

Would this work for your setup?
answered Apr 15, 2017 by ssc (Savant) (129,200 points)
selected Apr 16, 2017 by anne-la-berge
Hi SSC, This helps to access the presets but the On and Off toggle in the sound becomes inactive. May I email you my two Tests to try to make your suggestion work?

Just realized that the state of !OnOff is probably being saved as part of the presets.  You can fix this by playing the Sound just to the left of InterpolatePresets, Ctrl+Click on the !OnOff widget and select Affected by Presets: No. That way, !OnOff will still be live and controllable by your MIDI controllers.  Please let us know if this does the trick. Thanks!
Bingo! The Affected by Presets for the !OnOff had to be set to no.
Thanks for that one.