I have a multisample using a Replicator, triggering samples and controlling various parameters using the logic...
((!Gate countTriggersMod: ?NumberVoices) eq: (?VoiceNumber - 1)) sampleAndHold: !Volume
If I have four copies of the sound, and Voice 1 is playing back a sample, I know that if I get back to Voice 1 and the sample hasn't finished playing, I sometimes get clicks triggering the new sample since the sound cuts out wherever it is playing (non-zero). When voices cycle, is there a way to check for nearest zero-crossing or amplitude >0, and pull-down volume as appropriate on that specific voice?
Release field of Multisample won't exactly work since sample triggering doesn't happen at a regular rate.
I'm strapped on memory, so adding more voices won't solve my issue...
I'm thinking I would need some type of delay to check ?VoiceNumber against its amplitude value before triggering, but I'm having a hard time figuring out how to access any Voice before it triggers the sample...
Thanks for any help.