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Intuos Pro Touch set up

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One happy benefit of hosting SEAMUS was discovering a new in the box Intuos Pro PTH-651 buried in our room of cable horrors! I've had same problem as others with pen not working using current and last drivers. But I am unable to get Kyma to respond to Touch input and suspect I may have set this up wrong.

The PDF is for Kyma X.1 and non-touch tablets. Is there a setup guide for the Touch enabled tablets? Thanks!
asked May 12, 2017 in Controllers, OSC & MIDI by Scott Miller

1 Answer

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The most recent Wacom driver has a bug related to using the pen. Please use Wacom driver version 6.3.18-4; this is the most recent driver that works with that tablet and supports both the pen and touch.

By default, the Wacom touch outputs keyboard events. In the Wacom Tablet preferences within Kyma, you can choose to have the touch output "continuous" controllers, much like the pen: !FingerX, !FingerY, !FingerZ, !FingerRadius, !FingerAngle, !FingerDown, !FingerWidth and !FingerHeight.

answered May 21, 2017 by ssc (Savant) (129,200 points)
Hi ssc, it seems that i have a problem with the touch of my Intuos Pro.
The tablet works well in windows 7, but can't manage to use it with Kyma.
The driver you are talking about is for Mac Os, which driver must be use with Windows 7 ? Is there a tutorial to explain how use it with Kyma 7. I do not know about the expression !FingerX,etc... Many thanks
I had the same problem with my Intuos Manga, which I solved installing the 6.3.15-3 driver (It's the old Intuos3 driver). There is a Windows version in Wacom's driver section: Drivers for Previous Generation Products.
Let me know if it works :)
Hi Matthias, thanks for your help but unfortunately it doesn't work with this driver too. Cheers
Has anyone else noticed issues with !FingerZ not working with driver 6.3.37-3? !FingerDown !FingerX and !FingerY are just fine; maybe I'm missing something?