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Feature request: capturing Multigrid-performance in Timeline

+1 vote
I can image it's a big feature request, but maybe it's something that would be considered as useful and could be made in some future versions of Kyma.

I think capturing a Multigrid-performance in Timeline could be useful for editing it afterwards.There should be no other interaction in between, maybe "just" these things:

- sound selection (selected sound will be placed in a track in the timeline, corresponding to track in Mutigrid)

- sound duration (with corresponding duration of an active/played sound)

- parameter changes (mixer and vcs changes)


just an idea..

thanks, Roman
asked May 23, 2017 in General by roman-weingardt (Practitioner) (750 points)
Thanks Roman, this one is already on our list (it's complicated; otherwise it would be there already)
Wow, this is amazing as usual, SSC !
Thank you so much !

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