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Where is Morph1DSampleCloud FromMemoryWriter checkbox?

0 votes
After update for Kyma 7.12f0

-- MultiSampleCloud and Morph1DSampleCloud now have a FromMemoryWriter checkbox so you can use MemoryWriters to capture multiple streams of live audio input and live-switch or morph between them as sample clouds.

Windows 10

-- MultiSampleCloud

FromMemoryWriter: yes

-- Morph1DSampleCloud

FromMemoryWriter: no
asked Jun 11, 2017 in Using Kyma by roland-kuit (Master) (3,350 points)

2 Answers

0 votes

It is the second from the bottom parameter:

answered Jun 11, 2017 by ssc (Savant) (128,200 points)
0 votes
Ah, thanks!

Tyred eyes, Sorry, I 've been staring at the Morph1dGrainCloud.
answered Jun 11, 2017 by roland-kuit (Master) (3,350 points)