I was working on some SmallTalk array sorting functions (
I'd like to make something that stretches out a few values to fill a longer Array which will then be converted to Audio data by SyntheticSpectrumFromArray Class.
| shuffleWithSeed repeat stretch retro |
shuffleWithSeed := [ :arrayIn :seedIn |
| r result r2 range |
result := arrayIn reverse.
r := Random new seed: seedIn.
r2 := Random new seed: (seedIn/2).
range := arrayIn size.
arrayIn size timesRepeat:
result swap: (r next abs * range) ceiling with: ((r2 next abs * range) ceiling).
repeat := [ :arrayIn :frameLength |
| result rem |
result := arrayIn.
rem := ?frameLength \\ arrayIn size.
"test if the array does not fit in the Framelength then build a result that adds enough extra
elements to repeat in sync with the FrameLength. FrameLength will be also redefined
to match the result length in next ArrayRewriter script"
(rem > 0) ifTrue: [
result := (0 to: ?frameLength-1) collect: [:i | ((i mod: arrayIn size) of: arrayIn) ].
stretch := [ :arrayIn :frameLength |
| spreadFactor result |
spreadFactor := (frameLength // (arrayIn size)).
result := OrderedCollection new.
arrayIn do: [:e | (0 to: spreadFactor) do: [:f | result add: e ]].
retro := [ :arrayIn |
arrayIn reverse
(inputs at: 1)
start: 0 s
shuffle: shuffleWithSeed repeat: repeat stretch: stretch retro: retro
in the 'Stretch' algorithm, I want to try and hold the same element and repeat it so that for example, 4 Capytalk functions fill a FrameLength of 128 samples evenly.
Its kind of working, except that a repeated element that is for exmaple, a RandomWalk, is not a duplicate (exact copy) but has its own different seed and walks independently. I was wondering if there was a SmallTalk command like 'clone' or 'duplicate' which would simple make an exact copy of the Event Value?
I know this is obscure and probably not much use to anybody else, but I'm enjoying the intellectual excercise ;)