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spectral based timestretching | transient preservation

0 votes
hello everybody,

i need your advice:

i want to timestretch a sound before feeding it into a crossfilter, to use it as a response. so i am looking for a way to do that with the best possible freq resolution and without loosing the transients. yes, i know its a compromise betw. frq and time resolution. but maybe someone of you can share some experience or examples that could help.

in max i used shell-scripting to process the ir buffer content via ircam supervp kernel for excellent timestetching/ pitchshifting results . but it is not nessesary in kyma i guess  : – )

thanks in advanced, johannes
asked Jul 17, 2017 in Using Kyma by x (Practitioner) (620 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
If you want to use spectral analysis/resynthesis, then in Spectral Analysis Tool, select

Best Time

Better frequency tracking

and choose a lower analysis frequency than you normally would.

Then Click Analyze for time stretch and indicate your maximum target duration (ranging from 2 to 32 times the original duration).

You might also use the Noise/Tonal gate that you see in the Gallery (just make a Gallery on any file with Modifiers checked and look in the Spectral Processing category).  You could use the Noise/Tonal gate to turn off time-stretching during the transients.
answered Jul 17, 2017 by ssc (Savant) (128,780 points)