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Did anyone else lose all settings with 7.12f7 update?

0 votes
Is there a way to safeguard against settings loss in updates, and did anyone else lose all their settings after the 7.12f7 update?

I'm on Mac OS 10.12.6.
asked Aug 9, 2017 in General by andrew-raffo-dewar (Practitioner) (400 points)
edited Aug 9, 2017 by andrew-raffo-dewar
also happened to me, all preferences got set back to default. It didn't take too long to get it back, and also my custom prototypes strip needed to be re-assigned
My Wacom Cintiq is behaving oddly since the Kyma update. It is functioning normally except with Kyma where now it only works when I use display toggle and scale it over the two screens? Also selecting and moving is a bit hit and miss? Did anything change?
yeah I lost my preferences as well—easy enough to set back and reload custom prototypes—since it's been an issue though I thought i'd weigh in.  I thought it was weird that the recent update (7.12f7) reset my settings, but then this *next* update (7.12f8) reset my settings *again*!

edit: im on mac os 10.12.6 as well

like i said, not mad, but thought peeps should know.

2 Answers

+1 vote

It's not supposed to happen that way, sorry for the inconvenience. As for MIDI, here are a couple of settings to check:

  • DSP menu > Configure MIDI: Check the Default Input Channel
  • In DSP Status: check that MIDI Input is not Silent Device
  • Edit menu > Preferences: check the External MIDI Controller

Meantime, we are investigating why it overrode your Preferences. 

answered Aug 9, 2017 by ssc (Savant) (129,200 points)
+2 votes
Fixed. A revised version of the update has been uploaded which does not overwrite the Preferences. Anyone who had been holding off until this was fixed can now go ahead and safely update.

Thanks for notifying us!
answered Aug 10, 2017 by ssc (Savant) (129,200 points)
I fear it still happens, also with 7.12f8. At least I made this experience; even restoring the previous Preferences results in getting overwritten during the next Kyma launch.

Update: with the most recent version (7.12f9) everything works fine again. Thanks a lot.