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how do i adress individual voices via the midivoice script parameter?

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lets say i have an oscillator connected to a midivoice (wich is set to a polyphony of 4) and i want control all 4 oscĀ“s frequency- and envelopeparameters via the vcs. how do i adress the individual osc parameters?

and would it be possible to use !KeyPitch as a basis and than manually change the values in the vcs?

thanks, johannes
asked Aug 15, 2017 in Using Kyma by x (Practitioner) (620 points)

1 Answer

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Best answer

In the Sound you are controlling, the individual voice is identified by the variable, ?VoiceNumber.  For example, in the Frequency field of the Oscillator, you could use an expression like:

!KeyPitch + (!Interval * ?VoiceNumber) nn

answered Aug 15, 2017 by ssc (Savant) (129,200 points)
selected Aug 15, 2017 by x
Thanks for help. From what i understand, your expression sets the intervals of the voices to multiples (by the multiplication with the voicenumber). Instead i would like to control the freqs by 4 individual faders and add the keypitch to it. Is that possible due to a concatenation of a name and ?VoiceNumber and use it as green variable in the frequency parameter of the osc?
Yes you could use either something like this:

(?VoiceNumber - 1) of: #(!Interval1 !Interval2 !Interval3 !Interval4)

or this

!KeyPitch + (!Interval suffix: ?VoiceNumber) nn