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How to make Multifile disk player loop audio

+1 vote
I have created a multigrid with multifile disk players for long audio files and I have tried this in the trigger field of the multifile disk player

((!Run + !Index) hasChangedInLast: (!BPM  bpm s)) alignWith: ((!Run bpm: !BPM  dutyCycle: 0.5) triggerEvery: 2)

But it doesn't make them loop.

Thank you
asked Apr 12, 2015 in Using Kyma by sos-gunver-ryberg (270 points)
Are you planning to change the rate playback or do the files play at their natural rate?

Do all of the audio files have the same duration?
Yes I would like to change the rate.

They don't all have the same duration.

1 Answer

0 votes

Please give this example of MultiFileDiskPlayer looping at a !BPM rate a try and let us know if it has the behavior you're looking for. Thanks!

answered Apr 22, 2015 by ssc (Savant) (129,200 points)