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Updated Prototype Reference Document?

+1 vote

I was wondering if there is an updated Prototype Reference document that might include some of the newer prototypes, like the van der Pol oscillator, Double-well potential, antialiased oscillator, and any others that are new with 7.1.  I am right in saying these are Prototypes?

asked Sep 6, 2017 in General by john-balcom (210 points)
In the meantime, you can get the same information by selecting a Prototype, then selecting Describe Sound from the Info menu. Or in the Sound editor side bar by clicking the disclose next to the name of the Sound class at the top of the side bar.
Thanks for the replay.  Because of work, and the hectic-ness of life in general, I spend far less time in front of Kyma than I would like.  So I rely heavily on the Kyma documentation.  I read them whenever I can spare a few minutes, and think and dream of sounds I can create when I actually do sit in front of the hardware.  Hence my asking if there was a more recent document.  Perhaps one will be available at some point in the future?  In the meantime, I've got plenty to keep me occupied with the current documentation!

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