Hello Kyma People,
I want to build a spiking neuron in Kyma. Please don't ask me why, I'll let you know once I've discovered if I can do anything cool with them :)
For anyone unfamiliar with neural network tech, this is a bit different to the activation-level kind of unit that all the (not-so) new-fangled deep-learning things use. Spiking neurons model something like membrane potential but also respond to and encode timing information as well as just average activation.
The simplest model used to be known as a "leaky integrate and fire" and this is what I'm trying to model right now because they're reasonably simple. I've got the leaky integrator working ok (with some help from Gustav Scholda, ta :). Now I want to add the "fire" stage. Can anyone suggest a way I can do this? I currently think I that I need to make this thing stateful - with states something like:
a) Resting - accumulating and leaking input (the bit I already have)
b) Firing - after exceeding threshold, spikes to full then dips to below zero
c) Refactory period - recovering until it's ready to fire again
These correspond to "resting state", "action potential" and "refactory period" on this diagram
Can anyone give me any hints how to build something like this that's stateful but, ideally, runs at audio rate?
My efforts so far - simple leaky integrators -