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Has anyone been using MacOS High Sierra with Kyma? Any problems?

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related to an answer for: OS X High Sierra
asked Nov 16, 2017 in General by stephen-taylor (Adept) (1,620 points)

2 Answers

+2 votes
Everthing seems to work fone, except one graphical bug that messes up the mouse cursor. The cursor looks like it went through a Granular Synth :D
answered Nov 23, 2017 by anssi-laiho (Adept) (1,150 points)
Great, thanks very much!
I get the same 'granulated cursor' when I try to resize the VCS, but other than that running 10.13.3 without a problem (so far).
0 votes
Theres the graphical glitch that anssi-laiho mentioned—which is really weird. also I've been having some weird errors with sample files i've been loading. They're all single waveforms from the adventure kid waveforms collection — so it could be specific to the way his files are encoded. I'll be honest though, I can't quite put my finger on it but I've been getting more random errors in kyma since I've installed High Sierra. I'm seriously considering rolling back to el cap or something I trust a little more.

This of course is aside from the feeling that with every new osx/macOS update, There's a sense of relinquishing more control to apple, more bloatware (honestly—why do I even need siri?!) and having to search out ways to reduce the general cpu footprint of the os. I use a combination of onyx and some shell scripts I've stolen off github—mostly just defaults write commands. Yeah, I'm probably gonna roll back to el cap or something. The more I know about tech, the more of a luddite I become!
answered Feb 15, 2018 by aaron-zimmermann (Practitioner) (940 points)