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Is this a newly introduced bug...or something specific to my situation?

0 votes

I am getting this message often this morning (see screenshot below). I first got it when I was trying to play an old timeline. I did a little “trouble shooting” … and found that the same message pops up on virtually every sound or timeline that uses the Monotonizer. I even get it when I use an unaltered Monotonizer prototype. I followed up by just putting a wide variety of setting in the Frequency variable window but continued to get an error message.

Is this a recently introduced bug … or something else.

asked Dec 1, 2017 in Using Kyma by mark-phillips (Adept) (1,280 points)
I'm on Windows 10. Just tried the Monotizer prototype. No problem here.

1 Answer

0 votes
Mark, please check the Help menu in Kyma for software updates, and download the latest update to Kyma 7. (This issue was resolved a few software updates ago, so updating your software to the current version should solve your problem.)
answered Dec 2, 2017 by ssc (Savant) (129,200 points)