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Does the paca have any onboard power regulation?

0 votes

Is all the power regulation for the paca in the power brick or is there any regulation on the paca itself... and if there is any power regulation what's the acceptable power range? I'm just wondering if I need a DC-DC converter to run it off a 12V deep cycle / leisure battery or if it would cope without.


Kyma in the forest:

related to an answer for: What's the power consumption of a paca?
asked Mar 28, 2018 in Hardware & Interfaces by alan-jackson (Virtuoso) (15,840 points)
retagged Mar 29, 2018 by alan-jackson

1 Answer

+1 vote
Best answer
The Paca(rana) is expecting 12 volts ±3%, so you are probably better off with a DC-to-AC converter connected to the normal Paca(rana) power adapter.

Quite the bucolic setting, by the way!
answered Mar 28, 2018 by ssc (Savant) (129,200 points)
selected Mar 29, 2018 by alan-jackson
We had a great time rehearsing / jamming. Before we let loose the dogs of feedback, I stood there listening to the birds and the scampering of the squirrels and I thought those poor animals are not going to be impressed. But actually they didn't seem to mind at all. We seemed to be camouflaged by the resonating speakers and dangling microphones and became part of the forest so the birds kept singing and the squirrels kept scampering even closer.