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CloudBanks Seed values

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What effect do the different values in the Seed field of CloudBank have?
I realize what happens when I enter a zero. However, I am not quite sure about other Seed values, like 77, 66 etc... Is the difference between the other values audible at all?


asked Apr 27, 2018 in Using Kyma by knut-kaulke (Adept) (2,050 points)

1 Answer

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Best answer
The seed is used for initializing the random number generators so it is probably not audible in isolation; however, if you're playing more than one CloudBank at a time, using a different seed in each one ensures that you can get denser clouds (the grains of one bank won't be triggered at the same time as the grains in the other bank).
answered Apr 27, 2018 by ssc (Savant) (129,200 points)
selected Apr 28, 2018 by knut-kaulke
To stick to the example with multiple CloudBanks, is it irrelevant what Seed value I use there, as long as they are different?
You're right, the only relevant factor is that they are different from one another.