Hi Garth,
Have you tried inserted a DiskRecorder at the output of both Track 6 and on input channel 1? A DiskRecorder can be inserted anywhere in the signal flow chain (and is transparent so the signal still passes through to the next module in the chain).
Since you're using a Multigrid, you might be able to do this by routing the track containing your AudioInputs to a submix and then making that submix the input to a new track containing a DiskRecorder whose Input is the ReplaceableInput. Similarly, Track 6 could be routed to a different submix which could routed to another new track, also containing a DiskRecorder.
Or it may be simpler to double-click the Sounds in your Multigrid and insert a DiskRecorder into the signal chain at each point in the signal flow that you want to record to disk.