I'm currently working on some smoothed random curves and encountered some very strange behaviour. Here is the Sound I'm talking about: http://kyma.symbolicsound.com/qa/?qa=blob&qa_blobid=9516736016941304319
The thing is when I start the Sound the first 4 seconds everything is fine but then it seems like the Delay (1 samp) isn't delaying the input anymore... You can tell because of the spike in the curve. See this screenshot:

The left channel is the smoothed noise and the right channel is the interpolation function (I'm doing cosine interpolation here but you can switch the Sound to linear interpolation and get the very same strange behaviour).
Now if I increase the Delay (1 samp) to 2 samp of delay time I get the same thing after 8 seconds:

So it seems like there is a 1/4 samp shift going on here? How can I get around this? Or am I doing something wrong here?
EDIT: I just changed the whole thing to work at 0.5 s and at first I thought it works now... But after 2 minutes I get the spikes again...