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Start parameter in timeindex

0 votes
I'm trying to use timeindex to play through a sample.

I want to use the start parameter to set the start point for the file playing, but it doesn't seem to work.

Changing the value or assigning a fader to the start parameter does aboslutely nothing.

Anyone else who has this problem? What am I missing to make it work?
asked Jun 20, 2018 in Using Kyma by anders-skibsted (Adept) (1,320 points)

1 Answer

+1 vote
Best answer
Hi Anders,

In the SampleWithTimeIndex Prototype, the control for the Start parameter is !MarkAttack and it interacts with the values for !MarkEndAttack and !MarkLoopBegin. In other words, the start of the attack can't be greater than the value for the end of the attack or the start of the loop.

If you set Start, EndAttack, and StartLoop to !Start. And EndLoop, StartRelease, and End to !End, then the start point will be updated each time Gate becomes true.

I would also uncheck Looping and set ForwardBackward to 0.
answered Jun 21, 2018 by ssc (Savant) (128,200 points)
selected Jun 21, 2018 by anders-skibsted