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Timeindex or ramp to jump to specific position and then cycle full range

0 votes
Is it possible to have the TimeIndex jump to a position for then to continue on, and when it reaches 1 loop back to -1 to assume the normal full range from -1 to 1.

I want it to cycle full range -1 to 1, push a button with a value of for example 0.5 having it jump to the middle of it's cycle, and then when it reaches the end, 1, it cycles in full range again.

I want to be able to loop a sample full length, but cut to the middle or somewhere else at the push of a button.

Is the best way to use TimeIndex and some capytalk or is there another prototype I overlooked?

asked Jun 21, 2018 in Using Kyma by anders-skibsted (Adept) (1,320 points)

1 Answer

0 votes

Let's say you wanted to use a button called !On to indicate when your loop should start somewhere other than at the beginning of the sample. You could set the Start parameter of the TimeIndex to depend on the value of !On, for example:

!On * !JumpPos

Here is an example (you may prefer to change !On from a toggle to a momentary button so it jumps once instead of remaining in that position for as long as !On is true).

answered Jun 21, 2018 by ssc (Savant) (129,200 points)