Yes, you can set a Sound's input to an Arrays of sounds (if it's one of those Sounds that can handle multiple Sounds in its input field).
This isn't the most elegant way, but just to show it's possible here's code that uses an Array of Sounds:
| sounds sound files|
files := ('balloon-clicky.aiff' sampleFileNamesInSameFolder).
sounds := Array new: (files size).
(1 to: (files size)) do: [:i|
sound := scrubber samplefile: (files at: i).
sounds at: i put: sound.].
selector start: 0 selectorInputs: sounds.
What I was doing wrong before was I was trying to use the "add:" message with the Array and not setting its size on creation, instead of using "at: ... put:".
A more elegant way of doing this is to use "add:" with an OrderedCollection:
| soundCollection sound|
soundCollection := OrderedCollection new.
('balloon-clicky.aiff' sampleFileNamesInSameFolder) do: [:file|
sound := scrubber samplefile: file.
soundCollection add: sound.].
selector start: 0 selectorInputs: soundCollection.
And the most elegant way, in this instance, is to use "collect:"
selector start: 0 selectorInputs: ((
'balloon-clicky.aiff' sampleFileNamesInSameFolder) collect: [:file|
scrubber samplefile: file]).