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Simple convolution in Kyma

0 votes
Is it possible to to implement a “simple” convolution in kyma? Something like what we have in the hundreds of convolution reverb plugins out there?

i don’t think there’s any sound that does that (obviously Crossfilter is much more powerful and complex).

Thank you


asked Jul 14, 2018 in Using Kyma by davide-favargiotti (260 points)
Hi Davide, could you please say more about what you are trying to accomplish? Are you working on a reverb? Or something else?
Yes, I want to use it as a reverb. Or at least have a sound that behaves like altiverb and similar convolution reverb. The crossFilter is much more powerful and hits v hard the dsp of my paca.
I would like to try some stuff with a simple convolution reverb inside kyma.
You could try experimenting with a shorter CaptureDuration (for example, to 0.6 s or some other duration that is not a function of maximum). That might help.

2 Answers

+1 vote
Hey David,

I am assuming that you want to use an IR sample in the same manner as Sound Designer. You are looking for the 'Cross Filter'

Load up the crossfilter, IR on one side, source on the other. It is magic.

Have Fun.

answered Jul 14, 2018 by charlienorton (Adept) (2,660 points)
I might have an example, please stand by.
I know the CrossFilter: it’s much more powerful than let’s say an altiverb. It also hits the dsp of my paca quite hard. I ‘m looking for a simpler alternative. Don’t need to re-sample the ir while playing or those other fancy thing the crossfilter can do
+1 vote

Here is my super simple Stereo Cross Filter Example. It runs on my Pacarana..... (at 44.1)

The IR File was captured with a sine sweep method, (using the Apple Utility provided with Logic Pro) with a Kurzweiil KSP8 Effects unit.

Hope this helps.


answered Jul 14, 2018 by charlienorton (Adept) (2,660 points)