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Paca not seeing MOTU track16

0 votes
I just received my Paca today (excited!) but I cannot get it to see my track16

My setup is as follows:

Macbook Pro thunderbolt > thunderbolt to FW800 adapter > FW800 on Paca

Other FW800 on Paca > track16


The track16 is running off of its own power adapter. I first tried the instructions to enable ADAT then remove the drivers from my Mac. Paca did not see track16. I have also tried the method of leaving the drivers installed and in this instance, neither the Mac nor the Paca see the track16 when it is connected to the Paca via daisy chain.

Do I just need to connect the track16 and the Paca to a hub, or am I missing something obvious?

Thank you! Looking forward to diving in.



UPDATE: Total idiot alert. I used the touch strip on the Paca, lo and behold, the Track 16 was there and once I chose it from the touch strip, I was able to see it in Kyma. Thanks so much for all the suggestions, I'm sure it's not the last time I'll ask a boneheaded question here!

Now to make some noise!
closed with the note: Boneheaded mistake. Used the touch strip on the Paca to find the Track 16.
asked Jul 20, 2018 in Hardware & Interfaces by geanes (120 points)
closed Jul 21, 2018 by geanes
In About this Mac>System Report under Hardware, does the Mac see the MOTU on the bus?
No, it does not. The MOTU is seen when connected directly to my computer, but not when connected through the Paca on either port. The Paca works from either port.
Do you have a different FireWire cable that you could swap out in place of the one you have currently connecting the MOTU to the Paca?
I do. I have tried multiple cables with the MOTU and the Paca (making sure they meet the specifications laid out on the Symbolic Sound site).

1 Answer

0 votes
It sounds like you have things correctly connected. Have you connected anything to the Track16 USB port? (You can't have both the USB and FireWire connected simultaneously.)

From the Apple menu, please choose About this Mac and then click the System Report button. In the System Report under FireWire in the Hardware category, do you see the Track16 listed on the FireWire bus? (It may be listed as something like Vendor 0x1F2 Device 0x101800.)


It is probably best to leave the drivers installed, that way you can make changes to the Track16 via the MOTU control panel when the Paca is not using the Track16.

When you want to make a change to the MOTU, start up Kyma and then select Halt from the Control drop down menu; then, start up the MOTU control panel and make the changes. Next, quit the MOTU control panel application and, in Kyma, select the Track16 from the Audio Input drop down menu.
answered Jul 20, 2018 by ssc (Savant) (129,200 points)
I do not have the usb connected. Only the Paca shows up in the system report.
Just to confirm, do you have the MOTU switched on?
I do. I’m getting another thunderbolt to firewire adapter today to see if I can get it to work with both the Paca and Track 16 plugged directly into the Mac.

UPDATE: No dice on this plan. Connecting both devices directly to the computer puts them on different firewire buses. Short of ordering a firewire hub from Amazon, I'm stumped.