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widget type: select from list: strange settings when grid is on

0 votes
hi there,

I experienced a strange behaviour with the new widget type: select from list (btw  very useful, I would love to have some more options (eq multislider, ...)). the shown options are either rather arbitrary especially when grid is set (or I just donĀ“t get the logic behind it, hihi).

thanks for your help

cheers from vienna

asked May 28, 2015 in Using Kyma by siegmaraigner (Practitioner) (410 points)

1 Answer

+1 vote

As an example of how to create a selectFromList:

  • Unlock the VCS and double-click the widget (for example FreqLow)
  • Set the Min/Max/Grid (for eample, 0 to 1000 with a grid of 200)
  • Options menu>Set tic marks & labels
  • Select labeling scheme "list" (or it could be numeric if you prefer a list of numbers)
  • Click Edit button to create the list
  • Enter a list of labels & click OK
  • Change Widget Type to "Select from List" or "Select from List (Buttons)"

In other words, one first creates a fader with tic marks and labels.  Then change the type of the fader to select from list (or a stack of radio buttons).


answered May 29, 2015 by ssc (Savant) (128,780 points)