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Can't check for software update.. password not accepted

0 votes
Although that same password does work for when I log in to my account directly from the web.

In Kyma, when I click "Forgot Password", it then just brings me back to the same regular login box, waiting for me to input my password again.  I haven't seen any new emails about changing my password.

I found a previous thread here, titled "password not accepted", from Feb., but I didn't see a solution I could follow, just a few comments saying it was fixed.

I'm currently running Kyma release 7.20f9 (5 December 2017) on macOS 10.13.4
asked Aug 1, 2018 in General by thom-jordan (Practitioner) (800 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
Hi thom-jordan,

I checked and here is the update checker working.

I'm on Win10 Kyma 7.23f0 (10 June 2018).

Your computer can have an issue not running in sync with worldclock.

Check your time settings.
answered Aug 2, 2018 by roland-kuit (Master) (3,350 points)
Hi Roland,

  I'm running Kyma 7.20f9 which is a previous version than yours. I imagine this issue was fixed with the release of some version in between. Unfortunately I currently have no available means to update to a higher version because of this broken login feature on my current version. I had checked my computer's time against the world-clock before starting this thread, and it is in sync.

Thanks for the info.  

Hi thom, as you can log in your account directly from the web, you can request a download link from Symbolic Sound of the latest version and download/install it.

I just found the "send feedback" link at the lower left, and sent a direct request to them.

