I'm using a HotValue (!Scale) to select one of several arrays, which are different sizes. I then want to index into the selected array using another, normalised, HotValue (!note1) in the range of 0 - 1.
So I want to know the size of the selected array. I tried this:

but I get the error "HotVariables cannot perform the operation size."
(this is a smaller simplified version of my real Sound to make this easier to read. I'm trying to do something similar to this but with variable sized arrays.)
I tried using an EventVariable array because you can get the size of those at runtime.
But I can't seem to get values into and out of the EventVariable array at all. I'm staring at this and it's really got me foxed. I can't see what I've done wrong.
I've tried this in the Value field of a SoundToGlobalController:

and it doesn't work at all. I set the !Index fader to go from 0 to 3 and all I get on the !Output event is 0. Also I only get a fader for !Index. I get no faders in the VCS for !Index1, !Index2, !Val1 or !Val2.
I've tried it with literals instead of HotValues and I get the same result, 0 all the time. (Except if I go past the end of the array and try an index of 4 or 5. Then I get weird fractions 3.147... and 4.59186 )

Here's the Sound itself.