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Frequently used folders - workflow issues

+1 vote

When adding a frequently used folder, Kyma always sends me to the document folder (mac).

It´s been like this for a long time now, so any hint on what I can do to make it work?


asked Sep 5, 2018 in Using Kyma by marius-egenes (Practitioner) (390 points)
Kyma uses the Frequently Used Folders to search for files before asking you to locate the file. Is the file that it asks for in one of those folders? If so, please send us an email with the name of the file and the names of the folders that contain that file so that we can look into what might be happening. Thanks!
+1 I'd love to hear an answer to this as well!
Ah. I think I misunderstood. So the frequently used folders are for files used by Kyma... Bummer. I thought it would take me to the folders I used to find stuff.
USER MISTAKE! Thanks! (Now I know one more thing about Kyma:)

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