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Why are some Sounds highlighted?

0 votes
This is probably a really newbie question, but I haven't been able to find anything about it in the documentation. There is usually (always?) one Sound in a signal flowchart which is highlighted. Sometimes it seems to be the "original" Sound, but sometimes it happens late in the signal flow.

Is it ever possible to highlight a Sound yourself? And in a perhaps related question, sometimes when I select Save As... to try and rename a Sound, the resulting dialog box says "Save this Sound without overwriting the original Sound?" but there is no option for saving the Sound under a different name. I think I'm missing something simple but I'm not getting it. Thanks for any help!
asked Jun 4, 2015 in Using Kyma by stephen-taylor (Adept) (1,620 points)

1 Answer

+1 vote

There is usually (always?) one Sound in a signal flowchart which is highlighted. Sometimes it seems to be the "original" Sound, but sometimes it happens late in the signal flow. 

The Sound that is highlighted in a cyan color is the "replaceable input".  To select a different Sound as the replaceable Input, select it, go to the Action menu and select Set Replaceable Input.  In the Sound Browser, the Timeline and the Multigrid, a Sound with a Replaceable Input is marked with a cyan, right-pointing arrow.  

This is a way to mark what you consider to be the "input" to a complex signal flow graph (since it is not always necessarily the leftmost Sound in the signal flow).  You can find more details in the Index of Kyma X Revealed (in the Documentation folder in the Kyma folder) under Replaceable Input.


Save As... to try and rename a Sound, the resulting dialog box says "Save this Sound without overwriting the original Sound?" but there is no option for saving the Sound under a different name. 

To rename a Sound, select it and press Enter; then type in the new name.  At that point, you can do the Save as and save without rewriting the original.

answered Jun 4, 2015 by ssc (Savant) (129,200 points)
Thanks very much! I did read that the cyan arrow in the Sound Browser denotes replaceable input, but I did not make the connection into the signal flowchart. And goodness gracious - I've been looking for a copy of Kyma X Revealed, but I did not realize it is right inside the Documentation folder! That is fantastic.