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Two Instance Prototype VCS

0 votes

I often have two instances of the same sound prototype (e.g. SampleCloud) running into a mixer. This makes using the VCS a little cumbersome since all the parameter names will conflict with each other, so I usually manually change the names of all the paramteres in one of the SampleCloud prototypes. Is there an easier way to do this? Like add a prefix to all the parameter fields of a certain prototype?

Thanks in advance!
asked Sep 12, 2018 in Using Kyma by rishdosh (200 points)

1 Answer

0 votes

The Prototype called Prefixer adds a prefix (or suffix) to each EventValue in its Input. You can specify a prefix or, if you leave it blank, it uses the name of the Input Sound as the prefix.

To rewrite specific EventValues to different names or to Capytalk expressions (without changing them in the original), you could use TransformEventValues. But it seems like Prefixer will do exactly what you need in this case.

answered Sep 13, 2018 by ssc (Savant) (129,200 points)
I'll try this out, thank you!