Any Sound that has a VCS layout will appear in an embedded layout in the VCS of the Sound to its right. A Sound acquires a VCS layout (and its VCS layout will be embedded) when one of the following occurs:
- If you select the Sound, go to the Action menu, and select Add VCS Layout
- If you play that Sound and save a Preset
- If you change the widget type, range, position or any other of the default settings of that VCS
To see whether a Sound has a VCS layout, look at its icon in the signal flow editor. If it has a small black box with the letters VCS above it, then it has a VCS layout.
To remove a Sound's VCS layout, select it, go to the Action Menu, and choose Remove VCS Layout. Remember that the presets are part of the VCS layout, so be cautious about removing a VCS layout.