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Turning Raw Data Files Into Sound ?

0 votes

I was wondering how to correctly format this

 Raw Data File

for use with the " new sample file " feature in Kyma 7? My attempts failed, producing several errors : not being able to save the output as a sound file, something about nil, and please specify a non-zero duration for the generated waveform.

Thank You

asked Sep 19, 2018 in Using Kyma by ryan-ebeling (200 points)

2 Answers

0 votes
Found a way to do it! First I generated a standard triangle waveform using connect points instead of from data file, then I imported a column of data over it. Then I saved it as an .aif file instead of my fave '.wav'
answered Sep 19, 2018 by ryan-ebeling (200 points)
0 votes
Hi Ryan,

If you create a new Samples file editor and select .wav format 32 bit when you create the editor, it automatically saves as a .wav file when it comes time to save.

Your data file is in the right format, but the first column has letters VG1 instead of numbers. In the sidebar, when you pick Generate>From Data File, increment the column number to 2, 3, or higher to access the columns that contain numeric values instead of letters. When I tried that, I was able to get see the data in each column as a waveform. (It's interesting because each column seems to have an interruption or pause or change in it about halfway through. Where did the data come from?)

Alternatively, you could edit the text file to put replace the letters VG1 with the commented out letters "VG1" so that column would be ignored.

Please give this a try and let us know how it goes!
answered Sep 21, 2018 by ssc (Savant) (128,200 points)
i didn't even notice you could do this! awesome :)